Hello everybody!
We have two new members in our team: Elena has just started to inbetween a scene and Andy will give a hand with the CGI part. So many thanks to them: I hope they will enjoy the ride.
But for everybody who take a look at this blog, I really need more inbetweeners. The box with the scenes ready to be completed is nearly full. If you have to much work to give a hand before the end of this semester, it doesn't matter but could you inform me if you are interested for the next semester?
Thanks by advance!
A little message for Elena and Andy: all the team members could propose sketches for the end credits montage. It broadly explain what happens after the last scene: the Frog-gardener and Buddy work together at the garden and the Frog-gardener becomes a kind of school teacher for the young carnivorous plants. You could see samples in the first posts of this blog. So don't hesitate!
Oh and I nearly forgot: here is the link for the animatic (it isn't the more recent one but it will do for the moment).