Thursday, October 29, 2009

15 FLD paper is dead, Long life to 12 FLD paper


This just to inform you that my box of 15 field animation paper is empty and now we will carry on with 12 fld animation paper. We had the 15 fld paper because I ticked the wrong case when I took the order on the chromacolor website (sorry, sorry). I know that Freya has suffered from that paper. Now it will be better as the 12 fld will be easier to manipulate: less stress, more speed, all to be happy.
Michael has nearly finished the ink and paint of scene 13 and will soon start scene 36. Sarah has nearly completed scene 31 (she gave me tuesday as a deadline). And Freya has just some final touches to add at scene 33 before to attack scene 28. Ashley will start the trace over of scene 37 tomorrow. It is all working well and we are in time according to the schedule (but not in advance).
So congratulations to all and keep the good work going on!



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